Range Monitor – EP096M-RAS-RC
11 November 2021
Monitor for Results – EP096M-RAS-RS
11 November 2021Monitor for Classifications – EP096M-RAS-RK
The interfaces of the EP096M-RAS series allow to interface the Multi-Pull system and to drive monitors equipped with HDMI input.
There are different configurations depending on what needs to be presented on the monitor connected to one of these interfaces:
EP096M-RAS-RK: this model is used in the Club room to view the rankings in real time of the competition in progress. It is driven directly, via a LAN cable, from the main PC where the Multi-Pull Competition Management Software is installed.
Technical Characteristics
- DIMENSIONS: 19x12x4 cm
- WEIGHT: 0,5 Kg
- INPUT VOLTAGE: 110 VAC ÷ 240 VAC / 47 Hz÷63 Hz
- PROTECTIONS AGAINST OVER VOLTAGE: varistors, transil, gas discharge
The EP096M-RAS-RK interface comes with a metal container in which two overlapping circuits are placed, one exchanges data with the Multi-Pull system while the second processes them through a software residing in a SIM card. Both are made using the latest technologies on the market.
The power supply is external and connects to the interface via a micro-usb connector. It comes with different adapters for all types of sockets.
There are several ports, RS485, USB and LAN for different applications.
The EP096M-RAS-RK model allows you to view the competition rankings as they are extracted from the Multi-Pull Competition Management Software. Multiple rankings can be viewed in sequence, and through this software can be customized the presentation as you like. For example, you can adjust the scrolling speed, the number of athletes in the foreground, the background colors, etc.
For this application, the interface must be connected via a LAN cable to the main PC running the Multi-Pull Competition Management Software.